miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2010

carta Julieth Paola Angarita

Ibague, February 2010

Dear Godmother

Brigitte Dorn.

Receive a great fraternal greetings and wishes of well being and prosperity for you and your whole family.

I want to tell you I was fifteen the last year and with my family and my friends made a small celebration in which I was very happy and grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to share with all the people I love in life.

I am in 11th grade in the Leonidas Rubio Villegas high school, fortunately, because last year I was very ill and incapacitated to last several days, this affected my academic performance, because all my notes were delayed in leaving and the school did not reach get my report card, but if it gave me a certificate I had achieved with my effort and commitment to complete the 10th grade and be promoted to next grade.

Hopefully, this year started very well for me so far I have not had problems, I hope not to be sick again because I'm very busy doing the best in my class because this is my last year at school and I wish to graduate with top grades and be prepared to enter at university.

It gives me great pleasure to have the support of someone like you, concerned about the education of Tolima´s young people like me, therefore godmother thank you for all your support in my academic training, thank you for allowing my dreams to come reality through your support for the godparent plan of the YMCA, that has become my home and you in an extension of it in another country with your contribution.

Eternally grateful

Julieth Paola Angarita