martes, 9 de febrero de 2010

carta Andres Felipe Pava.

Ibague January 2010

Dear Godparents:
Mathias and Ursula Heller

I Start writing this letter with all the thanks you deserve for the constant support that made on my education is really gratifying to know that you have people who believe in you, wholeheartedly thank you very much and wish you and your family infinite blessings, for such a noble gesture to make my life better every day.

I'll start by telling that I was very well in the school year, I participated and did all my duties with enthusiasm and great joy, because I love studying and always be the best in my class.
In my family life things were not going very well because my grandfather was sick and we had to travel to a town of Chaparral Tolima, where he was, to care for and ensure his good health, he not wanted to eat and was much weaker but, unfortunately, despite the care of my mom and mine are not managed to recover from the crisis in which he found, is very sad and now I'm going to Christmas novena with my nephew for do not be so sad about my grandpa.

Thanks to God I am in excellent health with all the energy put into my study and share with my family and friends. The year 2009 was really nice because I met many people; I shared with my mom, my brother and my nephew.

Thank you godparents for continuing support for my academic future and to better my life and the life of many young people who need and want to study in order to be better.

Thanks Andres Felipe Pava.